terms and conditions
Goodday Outdoor Rental Policy
Thank you for choosing Goodday Outdoor for your outdoor gear needs. To ensure a smooth rental experience, please review our rental policy below. By renting from us, you agree to comply with the terms outlined here.
1. Rental Period
- The rental period begins on the day the equipment is picked up and ends on the agreed-upon return date.
- Late returns will incur additional charges.
2. Bond Requirement
- A refundable bond of $2 x Package Price is required at the time of booking.
- The bond will be refunded within 2 business days after the equipment is returned in its original condition.
3. Payment
- Full payment, including the rental fee and bond, is due at the time of booking.
4. Equipment Condition
- All equipment is inspected and cleaned before each rental.
- Customers are responsible for checking the condition of the equipment upon receipt and reporting any issues immediately.
5. Damage or Loss
- The customer is responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of the rented equipment during the rental period.
- Repair or replacement costs will be deducted from the bond. If costs exceed the bond amount, the customer will be invoiced for the difference.
- A detailed invoice will be provided for any charges.
6. Cancellation Policy
- Cancellations made more than 7 days before the rental start date will receive a full refund.
- Cancellations made within 7 days of the rental start date will forfeit 50% of full payment.
7. Safety and Proper Use
- Customers are responsible for the proper use and maintenance of the rented equipment.
- Goodday Outdoor is not liable for any injuries, accidents, or damages resulting from the use of rented equipment.
8. Return Policy
- Equipment must be returned clean and in the same condition as it was rented.
- Cleaning fees of $50 may apply if equipment is returned excessively dirty.
- Please ensure all parts and accessories are included to avoid additional charges.
For any questions or concerns, please contact us at +61 421 374 754 or gooddayoutdoorsgear@gmail.com.
Thank you for choosing Goodday Outdoor. We hope you enjoy your adventure!